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Where there's a sale - get out of my way!

On June 2nd Mohawk celebrated its annual Village Wide Garage Sales!

The day began bright and early at 8am. Attendees were ready - fanny packs and all.

We stayed until 3:00pm - only taking a small lunch break in between sales ( yes, we are dedicated). We scored some amazing finds!

This is a vintage floral vase, that suctions to your window! I've never seen anything quite like this - it was so dainty I couldn't pass it up ( plus it was only .10)

This moon and star jewelry box is quite magical. It comes with three drawers to store rings/bracelets. The large door/compartment opens to hang your necklaces, and in the back is a very convenient mirror.

It needs a fresh coat of paint - but for .25 how could I resist?

This turtle lamp is adorable! Enough said. This baby was only .25 it is priced anywhere from $20-$40 brand new!

This Himalayan Salt Lamp Rock is a bowl, with salt rocks in it, which creates a relaxing ambiance! I grabbed this for $3 - it ranges from $30-$40 brand new. The owner told me she purchased it less than 6 months ago and rarely used it. She said she didn't have the space for it ( as it is quite large!) I may keep this find for myself.

Picked this unique vintage tri-fold mirror up for $1!

It folds up and is easy to carry. Beautiful and elegant! On the backside of the mirror is a lace embroidery.

One of our higher end finds ( and probably the most expensive we spent on an item), was this decadent Blue Lapis Globe. Underneath the globe is a compass. We spent $5 on this and looked it up later that evening - some range between $150-$275!

We picked up a few other odds and ends - but these were definitely the good steals of the day!

You can find some of these items at the boutique this weekend.


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